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Charity Update Edition 3

Charity Update Edition 3

Funding for digital projects

The government has launched a £1m fund to improve digital leadership skills in the charity sector. The funding will be used to expand, improve or rework existing training programmes to help charities bolster their digital skills and understanding of how technology can improve their organisation.

This follows an initiative in August to help improve the digital skills of under-represented groups in the technology sector, including women and disabled people.

The deadline for Digital Leadership Fund applications is 7 December 2018. 
For further information please visit the following website page


Grow your funds

The Localgiving's annual 'Grow Your Tenner' campaign starts on 11 December 2018 and will run for a month. The campaign has been running for 7 years It offers to match monthly donations of up to £10 made to local charities and community groups in the UK.

For further information or to sign up, please click on the following link


Safeguarding people within your organisation.

What do you do to protect people who come into contact with your charity?  
Protecting people and safeguarding responsibilities should be a governance priority for all charities. This will include people who benefit from your charity's work, staff and volunteers.

You must ensure that you have the appropriate procedures and policies in place, be fully aware of any risks and take reasonable steps to protect people who come into contact with your charity.

For further information and full details of appropriate steps to be taken, please visit the following website page

Donna Forrester

Please contact Donna Forrester on 01482 316715

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